Friday, March 28, 2008

Fill in the Blanks

People engage into things sometimes because society dictates that with that level of thinking, they rightfully belong to a certain niche. This gives them the avenue to exert their perceived superiority over what they judge as mediocre. This thinking completely underlines the current diaspora of students who, for the lack of financial means and the outlook of an even bleaker future marred by endless poverty, take on courses nothing short of borderline rudimentary, routinary, and low paid. In the hollow walls of our developing society, one cannot deny the mute discrimination people relay to understated occupations. While self-preservation may not be a crime, to become and think nothing short of an occupation-racist is more of a hundred-fold slap to the superficiality a lot of people have become.
My summer classes are about to start, leaving me a rough estimation of 10 more days to figure out myself and the things that i have to do. The past semester has not been very promising, and i continue to fear the impending humiliation it might cause me this incoming grade release. Listening to Remioromen's Konayuki has also not been that therapeutic. Its inducing yourself more to psychological suicide. While I would like to bask upon an assessment of what I have become in the
light of all these miseries, I couldn't bring myself to conclude that the fault lies greatly in my pathetic decision to break free from all this seriousness (just this once). Its like when you are working your ass, studying for a quiz, you feel tired and sleepy because
you get so engrossed with the idea of exhaustion even though its only partial of what you're feeling.
The impusle is so strong and in no time leads you to bed. Why can you easily sleep while reading/studying during school period yet during breaks, you don't. I begin to think that school books have
invisible pheromones that act as sedatives or that they themselves are inanimate nymphs who can read our thoughts and release sleep powders because they pity our exertion efforts . I want to lighten up and disarm myself of tasks. Sometimes, when I think about it, I learned that in life, it pays to exagerrate, to value and devalue some things.

If there is a factor in the disharmony in this family, it is partially because of me and the fruits of my irrational, "pridey" thinking. Maybe we just live up to our inherent balance scales. No matter how perfect we are, we are still flawed by the false virtues of our other perspective.

I would like to recommend "1 liter of Tears (Ichi rottoru no namida)" for those who appreciate dramas. Its japanese and its really really good. Even if you go to a lot of forums that debate on the best dramas, people would always give it a thumbs up. I will make a an appreciation entry next post. Highly recommended for those who complain a lot about life. ...Okay okay... the guy is cute. I knew it! Anyways, Heres the link: