Sunday, March 17, 2013

plane thoughts

Fall freely amongst the clouds of purity, cleansing every sin and vulnerability that characterized your humanity. Fall freely amongst the clouds and bath in all the glory of sunshine, and hope that circumstances shall pace slowly. To feed you with numbing cold, to scoop a handful in an act of scientific defiance. It seemed endless and beautiful and romantic and surreal. Lovely for its representation of simplicity. If i am a spirit, i wish to be held captive in its timeless beauty.  

tour thoughts
no second shall i waste retracing other people's footsteps. one should endeavor to break free from the madness of consistency and the evils of arrogance.

boarding thoughts
love. when you think of him in your most vulnerable times.  when he is the only one you see when you close your eyes and feel the emptiness of what could have been. to be liked for everything that all are but you are not and having that unspeakable, that incomparable passion to sustain that love no amount of time can ever bind, is perhaps the best love that no blatant triviality can ever limit.

and again, to be liked for who you are. just as you are.  


To Download!

footnote (when honor is @ stake)
monsieur lazhar 
once upon a time in Anatolia (oooohhh)
le havre (another aki, cold finnish icy dampness)
salmon fishing in the yemen (because i miss obi-wan)
the song of sparrows
the Syrian bride
baran (majid majidi from children of heaven directs, yipee)
the color of paradise (maji majidi, again)

Foreign Movies I Recommend!
Please see Rotten Tomatoes for complete reviews!

The Raid: Redemption (indo - action)
4Bia (yeah, i know, im still listing it anyway)
5 centimeters per second (jap - love)
13 Assassins (jap - historical drama)
A Very Long Engagement
An Education
Battle Royale
Children of Heaven
City of God
Eat Drink Man Woman
Fantastic Mr. Fox
Ghost World
Gone With The Wind
Goodbye Lenin!
Heavenly Forest
Iron Monkey
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
Let the Right One In
Mary and Max
Ninja Scroll
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Pan's Labyrinth
Pelle The Conqueror
Run Lola Run
Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Sophie Scholl: The Final Days
The Counterfeiters
The Devil's Backbone
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
The Lives of Others
The Road Home
The Secret In their Eyes
The Story of Qiu Ju
The Wedding Banquet
The Baader Meinhoff Complex
To Live
The Miracle of Bern
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Salaam Bombay

and all movies by Zhang Yimou and Hayao Miyazaki (except Porco Rosso!)

Where Do I Stand?

Those are but lofty dreams a person like me needs more than a life to pay for. Too much to die and too
less to live. And what happens after I proclaim my self worthy? Or maybe it is the answer, but it is one of those many things that you have to reasonably reconsider. I do not have the privileges of the mighty. I am only the majority, feeding into what a can can contain, counting my change very carefully, fighting perspectives with my life and silencing things pleasurable to sustain the curse betrothed in exchange
for a lifetime membership into the disillusioned exclusivity of middle-class living. I am a member of the
working class, a revolutionary on the brink of madness, angry, but nevertheless and because there remains no other choice, fighting for a freedom I myself cannot fathom. But maybe, the freedom for a life filled with integrity, that no matter how small you are reduced, every minute this materially-driven world defines you, you remain unchanged, neither becoming evil or frail. Just sturdy like a banyan tree, incognizant of people's distorted classification of what life or success or being a total failure is all about. Sometimes you see yourself in a vision, time slowed, with arms outstretched, reaching for the inaccessible and the faster you run after it, the farther the images retreat  into the oblivion. Is it a thing to be pitied? But pity and being pitied remain a relative state ascribing  to the strength of what truly defines your thoughts. The pain of not feeling the joy that their eyes speak of while you are slowly diminished by the curse of preservation - the demarcation blurs between what is accepted just or unjust - and you realize that in the end, out of all the damned things you have strived to understand, there lies a dissolving mystery that marks the true quality of reality.

Monday, March 04, 2013

30 minutes to feed

I am an acorn, buried beneath the oldest of the mountains of the East, crushed by the mighty ground, stomping every nook of my helpless flesh. and another weight above it that beautifully flourished, is one more pain that i have to endure. one after the other, another after an endless count. to conjure some foxy notions of deceit, overbearing, employing what I must but am not, seeping life from the others who have battled their demons. no! i dare not engrave my freedom by means of devilry. perseverance that never ends. ordeals you thought will never end. and the clock whose hands dictate the value of what you've gained and lost and preserved, is and will and perhaps the only thing in this world that remains objective. neither laughing or mocking. and there you are, brimming with hope and filling your heart with gladness, but the truth is never hid and when you're pained, you know that some feelings fill it too. a drowning uncertainty. every wave of it consumes you, and when you raise one hand in an attempt to elevate your vulnerability,only the cackles of soaring seagulls remain immutable among wide-ranging frequencies. as if this 'conspiration' is the antonym of evasion, binding your will, resisting utmost defense, absorbing your trinity into the widest plain.