Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Politics of canteen buying and some

When i entered school age, everything was really new. Quite vividly, I can still remember my pre-actual grade 1 experience during dinner, I asked my mother if a whole day schooling is okay. Before dusk set in, I approached the start of my serious academics with vigor and cleaned all my bookstore-smelling-but-i-love-it-anyway school items with tissue and alcohol, even the plastic flat box of my 16 pc. crayola. I sharpened all my perfect cone shaped graphites, and neatly piled my sepia (because i had no concept of whiteness with gratis to my mother whose notebook decisions are little less confined to what can be more practically afforded), placed neat and straight bond papers, rulers, paste, and other sorts of art papers (that now I find it pretty much useless and funny)in the clear envelope. I was not a Disney-worhipping child, but I always would want everything pleasing to the eyes and pastel in hue. I went to school like an adult,devilishly eyeing (as a matter of fact) adults even big kids as if this 4-ft something is someone they should fear. During break times, I always had juice and sandwich. But after a while, my parents got tired of fixing me a good-parent-merienda that I had to tirelessly exhaust a quarter of my break lining the mamihan arm of the canteen. 1997, apart from the looming Asian crisis, is the year I was oriented that kids can in fact change their personal menus, nutrition aside. The heavens defecated Piatos and entrusted its key special ingredients to Jack and Jill.I had tasted it first from my friend, and it was this time when asking for some spare was difficult because kids tend to be so possessive with their items very much and unsurprisingly including food. I therefore theorized that I got my first answer to the ho-hum question of the righteous "what is my life's purpose" when I tasted potato chips powdered with cheese that crushed my taste buds and classified all distinct four into one classic gastronomic euphoria. My science teacher, at some point, deceived me, but took the extra credit anyway. Piatos was sold at P7.00 and immediately the next day, I ran ahead after Bless-us-Oh-Lord, to plunge into the sea of kids raising their bills, screaming decibels as if the tindera is at the other side of the road. We were a club of superficial people who only want a piece of the new brand(our first introduction to phoniness). That is, everytime further pupils come within the area of extreme heat and stress, pre-existing lining kids would tender a poisonous alarm of displeasure. As a fight and flight response, muscular power increases beyond measure enough to push towards the grills half past people as if they're chickens about to be chickened, voices sharpened enough to overpower 3 weaklings, and arms extend beyond 60 degrees, innocently shoving off whoever it is that got in its way. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the politics of canteen buying. Its Harold and Kumar's pre-and intra- experience to whitecastle except were not debating racism, migration politics, who should be on the wheel, and buying pot. The ordeal after acquiring the purchase is another political idea, however. This was also the time wherein I had developed my concept of hating and liking people. It was when I was 7 that I discovered my affinity to the misfits, rejects and weirds. Its just that over kids who love to display the "amor" of their greatness, I find it gratifying to share my baon and spare some talk to people who especially gets bullied. I also discovered that a slight magnification of their presence will move me into tears. I had this fat girl classmate who was asked to write something on the board, and I gazed at her like I would have done to Mama Mary at the school grotto because of her cuteness and size. The way she stood up carefully bringing her plus-sized extremities in control and her gluteus would seem stick out. Some of my classmates would tease her and I would look at them straight. But there was one time when she was asked to write again, and the same thing happened, I stupidly cried. At this point in time, I was already active in extra curricular activities. It was also at this point that I can say I loved coloring and I always wanted to see my work posted in front of everybody else, which was not the case all the time.

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