Freud's Genital Stage: Opposites Attraction & Maturation?
During this stage, me and my friends in high school shriek over cute male species. We exchange stories of near encounters and sigh at the thought of how close was getting to the next level. We exchange looks when our crushes pass by us, recognize our existence for sometime that they need something, and play prince by picking up books we purposely drop. We rejoice over our crushes’ split-ups and deliver evil looks towards new flirty flings. Boisterous ones shut their mouths in response to anxiety when they suddenly knew they will be in the same class or group with their so called “dreamboys”. We get inspired by shallow Korean flicks of predictable plots involving stories between the rich and poor, ugly and not, thin and fat tandems. We thank the dictionary for the word “gentleman”. We make it an excuse towards our own evil plots to make them ours. Others, like me could not look straight at the boy’s eye becoming afraid he might see a blush.
Erikson's Identity vs. Role Confusion
Establishing an identity has not been very smooth for me. Other people do not understand the reasons I have laid before myself and have backed me up over the years. They will proceed to their augmented definition of education, brandishing the label of pseudointellectualism. Everytime obnoxious people imply these thoughts, I would just vehemently snicker. These people think highly of themselves and too much of this thinking highly can drown them unknowingly. I am also the type of person who really loves books. If I have ample time, I would always go to the library. But then here comes people telling me to rather live in the library. Unfortunately, it has caused me insults more than I can imagine. This is life they say. I just keep on telling myself to do always the things that I always love. I am unique in such ways that only I can discern what’s right and wrong for me to engage or disengage.
Piaget's Formal Operational: Angst Against my Nursing's mode of learning
It was in the start of high school when I was thought how to really think, and not merely remember. Deductive logic requires the ability to use a general principle to determine a specific outcome. It has been taught that the ultimate measure of education is when you are able to apply these concepts in a completely modified circumstance. If you can trace the pattern, discover the relations between the words and what does it imply, and of course have a background to the fundamental processes involved, then an answer is not far from recognition. Teachers teach you the basics how to cancel squares, permutate possibilities, or sublimate a chemical, but the only way for you to know that education has indeed occurred is not through what, when and where, but how and why. To understand the logic behind everything weighs over mindless remembrance of information insofar as it is more spontaneous and rooting.
Kohlberg's Obedience and Punishment Orientation
I see a lot of peers though young adults per se, but still exhibit an inclination towards obedience and punishment. It is comforting in a way that people’s actions are controlled in accordance to what is acceptable. However, it is equally rigid insofar as we zilch within our system rooms for self-expression. There is a tendency that passivity is enforced over some questionable ideals that may be “perfect, yielding, and labeling” in the forefront, but is actually unjustified and creates a stir of discrimination. It is rigid insofar as we are limited to express our own opinions of subject moralities and that we constrain ourselves to what has been established. The thing is, there is more to obedience and punishment. Some people would want to settle in what has been recognized for fear of tarnishing the qualifications of a high recognition. Inasmuch as this is wise, to justifiably meddle while we can in the hope of improvisation and not merely showing off still is wiser.
During this stage, me and my friends in high school shriek over cute male species. We exchange stories of near encounters and sigh at the thought of how close was getting to the next level. We exchange looks when our crushes pass by us, recognize our existence for sometime that they need something, and play prince by picking up books we purposely drop. We rejoice over our crushes’ split-ups and deliver evil looks towards new flirty flings. Boisterous ones shut their mouths in response to anxiety when they suddenly knew they will be in the same class or group with their so called “dreamboys”. We get inspired by shallow Korean flicks of predictable plots involving stories between the rich and poor, ugly and not, thin and fat tandems. We thank the dictionary for the word “gentleman”. We make it an excuse towards our own evil plots to make them ours. Others, like me could not look straight at the boy’s eye becoming afraid he might see a blush.
Erikson's Identity vs. Role Confusion
Establishing an identity has not been very smooth for me. Other people do not understand the reasons I have laid before myself and have backed me up over the years. They will proceed to their augmented definition of education, brandishing the label of pseudointellectualism. Everytime obnoxious people imply these thoughts, I would just vehemently snicker. These people think highly of themselves and too much of this thinking highly can drown them unknowingly. I am also the type of person who really loves books. If I have ample time, I would always go to the library. But then here comes people telling me to rather live in the library. Unfortunately, it has caused me insults more than I can imagine. This is life they say. I just keep on telling myself to do always the things that I always love. I am unique in such ways that only I can discern what’s right and wrong for me to engage or disengage.
Piaget's Formal Operational: Angst Against my Nursing's mode of learning
It was in the start of high school when I was thought how to really think, and not merely remember. Deductive logic requires the ability to use a general principle to determine a specific outcome. It has been taught that the ultimate measure of education is when you are able to apply these concepts in a completely modified circumstance. If you can trace the pattern, discover the relations between the words and what does it imply, and of course have a background to the fundamental processes involved, then an answer is not far from recognition. Teachers teach you the basics how to cancel squares, permutate possibilities, or sublimate a chemical, but the only way for you to know that education has indeed occurred is not through what, when and where, but how and why. To understand the logic behind everything weighs over mindless remembrance of information insofar as it is more spontaneous and rooting.
Kohlberg's Obedience and Punishment Orientation
I see a lot of peers though young adults per se, but still exhibit an inclination towards obedience and punishment. It is comforting in a way that people’s actions are controlled in accordance to what is acceptable. However, it is equally rigid insofar as we zilch within our system rooms for self-expression. There is a tendency that passivity is enforced over some questionable ideals that may be “perfect, yielding, and labeling” in the forefront, but is actually unjustified and creates a stir of discrimination. It is rigid insofar as we are limited to express our own opinions of subject moralities and that we constrain ourselves to what has been established. The thing is, there is more to obedience and punishment. Some people would want to settle in what has been recognized for fear of tarnishing the qualifications of a high recognition. Inasmuch as this is wise, to justifiably meddle while we can in the hope of improvisation and not merely showing off still is wiser.
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